Sökningen fann 41 träffar

av NED1417
01 dec 2022 10:51
Kategori: Common
Tråd: drawing hings
Svar: 8
Visningar: 9713

Re: drawing hings

I made the drawing by measuring old ones so there will probably be a difference in the sizes.
So be careful when you replace this part
av NED1417
20 okt 2022 15:58
Kategori: Common
Tråd: measures cabin ceiling
Svar: 1
Visningar: 3619

measures cabin ceiling

PlafondKajuitIF.PNG (114.36 KiB) Visad 3619 gånger
Is someone interested in measures of the cabin ceiling?
PlafondhelftVoorpiek1detailkromme.PNG (66.27 KiB) Visad 3619 gånger
PlafondhelftVoorpiek1.PNG (149.83 KiB) Visad 3619 gånger
av NED1417
19 okt 2022 16:46
Kategori: Common
Tråd: Drawing rudder hing and pin
Svar: 1
Visningar: 1671

Drawing rudder hing and pin

I hope you can see and download the pdf now?
av NED1417
19 okt 2022 16:07
Kategori: Common
Tråd: drawing hings
Svar: 8
Visningar: 9713

Re: drawing hings

It looks that I can NOT ad a pdf file to the message.
"Invalid file extension"
Is that common or for this message?
av NED1417
05 mar 2022 16:21
Kategori: Common
Tråd: drawing hings
Svar: 8
Visningar: 9713

Re: drawing hings

Just made a few drawings from it
av NED1417
01 mar 2022 12:26
Kategori: Common
Tråd: drawing hings
Svar: 8
Visningar: 9713

Re: drawing hings

Then I have to do it myself from the original
av NED1417
27 feb 2022 11:23
Kategori: Common
Tråd: drawing hings
Svar: 8
Visningar: 9713

drawing hings

Hi there,
I've seen a lot of info about the screws and pins but didn't see a picture with the measures of the hings of the rudder.
I`m intending to make a 3d drawing of it.
There are not many drawings of details about the rudder except these;
av NED1417
12 okt 2021 12:22
Kategori: Common
Tråd: Mandatory closets inside.
Svar: 7
Visningar: 7852

Re: Mandatory closets inside.

The result of some homework to make Spotgaai according the rules
av NED1417
12 sep 2021 00:46
Kategori: Common
Tråd: Classrules translation
Svar: 5
Visningar: 7074

Re: Classrules translation

I think you're right, it's about the best possible translation with the right explanation and the right sailing terms. I asked (non-sailing) family who speaks Swedish to translate an article but they didn't get much further than Googletranslate If the rules are translated into English, that is ...
av NED1417
08 sep 2021 11:46
Kategori: Common
Tråd: Classrules translation
Svar: 5
Visningar: 7074

Classrules translation

The Swedish class regularly makes new rules, but these are not or only sparsely translated to e.g. English. So you tend to just use the old English translation and then you make mistakes. It would be nice that as soon as new rules or changes are made, this is translated and distributed by someone so ...
av NED1417
08 sep 2021 11:04
Kategori: Common
Tråd: Mandatory closets inside.
Svar: 7
Visningar: 7852

Re: Mandatory closets inside.

Next stage, on my way.
Better, right?
av NED1417
04 sep 2021 11:47
Kategori: Common
Tråd: Mandatory closets inside.
Svar: 7
Visningar: 7852

Re: Mandatory closets inside.

Okay, I think I get it. I will make a small (35cm) front panel at deck level with an opening and a side panel to deck level included a cover. So that will be (more or less) as in the new IF from seacamper. First I will make it demountable but when it looks not bad I can consider making it ...
av NED1417
03 sep 2021 22:14
Kategori: Common
Tråd: Mandatory closets inside.
Svar: 7
Visningar: 7852

Re: Mandatory closets inside.

Thx, There is a picture missing of a kind of additional panel (the old one as an example). Maybe this one is something? or has it to have a side panel as well at deck level? Otherwise, I can make a smaller (350mm) front panel to deck level with a side panel to the hull. And put the whole thing ...
av NED1417
03 sep 2021 18:52
Kategori: Common
Tråd: Mandatory closets inside.
Svar: 7
Visningar: 7852

Mandatory closets inside.

Mandatory closets inside. (possibly in Swedish somewhere but couldn't find it) I have an adapted interior but know that a wardrobe must be present during competitions. I'm thinking of a panel that I put on during races, much like a picture shows. Is this sufficient or should a side panel also be ...
av NED1417
25 jun 2021 17:00
Kategori: Common
Tråd: Trailing edge rudder
Svar: 5
Visningar: 9230

Re: Trailing edge rudder

Okay, thanks again
It's clear to me.
I found the measurement forms for the rudder and sails as well on the site.
We don,t have an official One design class and measurer (yet), do we choose one of the members?
Or have to wait when we come to Sweden?